Carestep's story

Why did we set up a social cleaning enterprise and what is our mission?

Carestep was born out of the need for high-quality cleaning and the desire to do good

In 2020, at Greenstep's office in Keilaniemi, Espoo, it was realized that the cleaning of the premises did not meet the needs of the growing, multi-hundred-person office. The idea arose to set up a social cleaning company, which could do good for society.

And that is how the subsidiary Carestep was born. So Carestep was born out of practical need on the one hand, and as part of the company's corporate responsibility work on the other.

A social cleaning enterprise – what does it mean?

The primary objective of social enterprises is to do social good. Social enterprises use all or most of their profits to achieve social goals.

Carestep's aim is to enable people who are disadvantaged in society to find career and educational paths. Through our activities, we bring more educated, language-skilled and experienced people to Finland, without using up society's resources. All this is made possible by the profits from our high-quality cleaning services.

What do we do in practice?

At Carestep, we recruit people who are disadvantaged in society, but who have a desire to develop and advance their careers. but who have a desire to develop and advance their careers. For example, we help young people whose educational paths have been interrupted for one reason or another, or immigrants who find it difficult to progress in their careers due to a lack of language skills.

In addition to a stable job and a fair salary, we provide them with training, language courses or career guidance according to their needs and wishes. When our customers buy quality cleaning services from us, all the profits are used to provide training and guidance to help our employees achieve their personal goals and progress in their careers.

A stepping stone to a career path

At Carestep, people can work and at the same time get support to progress towards their dreams and develop their skills.

A personal development plan is designed for each Carestep staff member with the aim of providing training and language skills that will strengthen their ability to participate in Finnish society. Regular career coaching sessions are also held for everyone.

Our aim is not only to train our employees to become professional cleaners, but also to help them advance in the areas that interest them. We support the development of our employees, whether their dream is entrepreneurship, language learning or working in a particular field or job. Carestepers have access to expert support in areas such as accounting, setting up their own business and other areas where they need it. We also offer opportunities to build a career within Carestep as the business grows.

We want to see everyone reach their full potential. The idea is that a steady job, a fair salary and a motivating learning path act as a stepping stone in an individual's career. Our goal at Carestep is that every one of our employees will one day move on in their career. This can happen either here at Carestep or elsewhere, as a more competent and better-skilled employee than when they joined us.

Carestep - Toimitilasiivous paakaupunkiseudulla Carestep

Carestep today

Currently, Carestep has a team of around a dozen people – cleaners, professionals who coordinate our activities, and supervisors. Our team is made up of people from different backgrounds. The nationalities of our employees are FI, EE, PH, IQ, AF, UA, XK, NP.

Our employees' stories are unique and inspiring. For example:

  • One of our employees did their final thesis on multicultural work culture in their studies while working, and we helped them by providing guidance, and most importantly, a multicultural workplace.
  • Another of our employees was seeking to return to their unfinished university studies, for which they received the concrete help that was needed
  • One Caresteper was able to achieve their dreams when she started her first business with Carestep's help.
  • In addition to individual training plans, we provide language training and other career-enhancing steps for all employees.